
The word ‘quarantine’ comes from the old Venetian word ‘quarantina’ meaning 40 days. During the black death epidemics of the 14th and 15th centuries, ships would be isolated for a period of 40 days to try and prevent the spread of the disease. We have been in quarantine for over 40 days and this period…


We are now in the third week of quarantine and this strange life is becoming reality. Between binge watching netflix, video calling loved ones and running down the eerily deserted Lisbon streets, I have been writing the report for the seabird coastal counts in 2019. However, I have high hopes that we will be able…

Impacts of Tourism

After an incredibly interesting experience in the field, it has been a return to office work recently. This has involved analysing the impact which the tourism on Berlenga is having on the population of European Shag (Phalacrocorax aristoteli) and also updating the equipment records associated with the rodent control program. Finally, we will travel to…

In at the deep end

In my first week of volunteering with SPEA I had the incredible opportunity to travel to the islands of Berlenga and Farilhões. On the first night we stayed overnight on Farilhões and spent our time checking both artificial and natural Maderian Storm Petrel nests, we ringed the chicks and adults which we found. This was…