Impacts of Tourism

After an incredibly interesting experience in the field, it has been a return to office work recently. This has involved analysing the impact which the tourism on Berlenga is having on the population of European Shag (Phalacrocorax aristoteli) and also updating the equipment records associated with the rodent control program. Finally, we will travel to…

In at the deep end

In my first week of volunteering with SPEA I had the incredible opportunity to travel to the islands of Berlenga and Farilhões. On the first night we stayed overnight on Farilhões and spent our time checking both artificial and natural Maderian Storm Petrel nests, we ringed the chicks and adults which we found. This was…

A crisp autumn’s day

Versão Inglês It was a crisp autumn’s day. Cozily wrapped in my clothes and with my feet bathing in the water was how I discovered the property Vermilhas on my first day 🙂 It was a good introduction (to November)! Luckily I like rain! And even more when it’s scarce… Because above all I love…

Goodbye Words

Despedimo-nos em Dezembro do Tom Kleemann, voluntários de longa duração da Montis no projecto LIFE VOLUNTEER ESCAPES. O Tom deixou-nos o seu pequeno testemunho sobre o que aprender e viveu em connosco. “After three month my stay in Montis ends mid of December 2019. During my time here I learned about what it actually takes…

Our experiences (Laura and Julia)

Em Novembro, recebemos a Laura e a Julia, no projecto do LIFE VOLUNTEER ESCAPES na Montis. As voluntárias estarão connosco durante 2 e 4 meses respectivamente e decidiram fazer um pequeno testemunho a explicar as razões pelas quais decidiram voluntariar-se para a conservação da Natureza. A versão portuguesa encontra-se no final. Laura Beck: Life Volunteer…

One day in MARCA ADL tree’s nursery

November 20th, a day of meeting between the partners of Montis (in the Life Volunteer Escapes project), was a rewarding day. Far from our little town, Vouzela, we arrived in Montemor-o-Novo, in a pretty tree’s nursery managed by the association Marca ADL located in the countryside. We enjoyed a day of sunshine in the nursery.…

Unit for corn

Portuguese version: Sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2019 Trabalhar nos campos de milho foi a nossa primeira experiência nos campos agrícolas, e também a dos outros voluntários. E claro colher milho num clima quente e ensolarado era entusiasmante para todos nós! O dia começou com a viagem para a pequena aldeia que se chama «Covas…