Testemunho da Vanessa Indama

“Olá! O meu nome é Vanessa Indama, tenho 22 anos e sou do Porto. Através da Associação Plantar Uma Árvore, pude realizar trabalho de voluntariado por dois meses na Serra do Alvão, em Vila Real. Eu iniciei o meu voluntariado durante o período de Plantação, o que me permitiu adquirir novas competências (como usar uma…

Testemunho da Sonali Ghoorahoo

“Hello, my name is Sonali, I’m French and I’m 22 years old. I studied History and Political science at the University and after my final exam, I decided to take a gap year for travel and voluntary work in contact with nature. I joined the association Plantar Uma Árvore during the winter season from October…

Testemunho Tobias Lemke

“Hey, my name is Tobi and I’m 19 years old. I am from Germany and I just spent my last three months in Portugal with the association “Plantar uma Árvore”, starting in the beginning of September. There I lived in the northern location, in the area of “Serra do Alvão”. I was lucky to experience…

Testemunho Blanche Danede

“Olá guys! My name is Blanche, I’m a 21 years old French girl. During this two months (September-November) I have been part of a great volunteering with the NGO Plantar uma Árvore. Further to the obtaining of my degree in Geography and Planning I decided to do a gap year, although the current context with…

Testemunho Alfiannisa Wikenza

“Hello, I am Alfiannisa, 26 years old, and originally from Indonesia. I have been residing in Germany for the last 7,5 years. Following the completion of my studies in Psychology, I have decided that I needed a change of environment. That was when I contacted Mariana to apply for a volunteer position. Despite having no…

Testemunho Lena Yentur

“Ola, my name is Lena, I’m 26 years old and I’m from France. I joined plantar uma arvore for some voluntary work up in Serra do alvao for 2 months from august to October. Since I joined during maintenance season, our goal was to take care of the trees that had been planted by previous…

Testemunho do Hélio Batista

Juventude pela conservação! No passado dia 26 de setembro, recebemos 16 jovens do núcleo de Sesimbra da Juventude Socialista, para uma ação de voluntariado. Entre vários trabalhos que fizemos é de realçar o controlo de flora exótica em que uma parte do grupo esteve empenhado e dedicado – descascaram-se acácias e arrancou-se chorão-das-praias. No que…

Testemunho Catarina Nunes

“Hallo! Eu sou a Catarina e tenho 23 anos. Tive a oportunidade de fazer parte da equipa Plantar Uma Árvore na Serra do Alvão durante 4 meses. Durante a época do verão fizemos principalmente trabalho de manutenção, deste cuidar das plantas plantadas nas épocas anteriores até ao controlo de plantas invasoras. Também tive a oportunidade…

Testemunho Anugraha Joseph

“Hi! I’m Anugraha Joseph. I’m 24, from India. I have been living in Berlin,Germany for the past 6 months and that’s where I heard about Plantar uma Árvore. As an athlete I have always enjoyed outdoor activities and I am someone who travels a lot. I’ve always wanted a gypsy life where I travel, meet…

Testemunho Simone Heidenrijk

“I am Simone, I’m 31 years old and I am from the Netherlands. This summer I’ve been volunteering with Plantar uma Árvore, and it was an amazing opportunity to reconnect with myself and with nature and think about my place in the world. The work can be challenging, but I grew confident in my physical…